The Concept

Flexibility, short decision-making processes, adaptability and spontaneity; these are the main characteristics that unite us and our partners. And the pleasure we take in our work.

We work creatively and proactive

We do not simply build on conventional solutions from the drawer, from the template. Every task is different from the others. We believe that traditional concepts are rarely enough to survive in today's environment. The old USP is regaining importance. Without differentiation, exceptional results cannot be expected. We are a small company and have relied for decades on networking with competent partners in all areas of business management and marketing. We adapt quickly to changing needs and requirements and are flexible in our implementation when new insights, evaluations or specifications are required. Our assignments are focussed exclusively on one task.



Hotel und Touristik Management AG
Hammergut 6, 6330 Cham, Switzerland


Reliable. Everyday. Since 1985